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Sara's Library

Read, read, read! Read if you want to succeed. I love reading and soon you will, too! Just check out the books I hand-picked just for you.


— feeling cool
Superfudge - Judy Blume

This book is HILARIOUS! This will be fun and hysterical for any grade level, IF the teacher is reading it aloud. Otherwise, Fountas & Pinnell would probably give this book the label S. That would make it appropriate for independent reading for a 4th or 5th grader. I actually used this book over the summer for a child leaving 5th grade, but she is a struggling reader and also has dyslexia. It had GREAT vocabulary for her. She wrote down all of the vocabulary words for each chapter, defined them, used them in sentences, and was able to spell the, We also had comprehension questions at the end of every chapter. I might use the same worksheets I used for her in a small reading group.